Our Values
True to their noble mission, defenders of deep democratic ideals, the Freemasons of the Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia decided to express their most cherished values in their Constitution:
The state should be organized according to the principle of representative democracy and organized in accordance with the legal foundations of the rule of law, where the basic division of power is: legislative, executive and judicial. The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia, faithful to these principles, believes that this should never be changed, either by an individual or a group.
Human rights
The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia believes that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union constitute the present and future of humanity and as such should be respected without exception.
The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia is deeply committed to the fundamental principle of secularism, respecting the faith of each individual, but strongly condemning any religious interference in state affairs, either by church representatives or by elected officials. The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia aims to be a loyal defender of respect for the principles of secularism and to condemn any deviation from its application.
Social solidarity
Dramatic social changes resulting from the economic effects of changing political regimes, exacerbated by the global economic crisis, require the construction of a new system of social solidarity. The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia aims to be actively involved in such an approach and to contribute to social solidarity through ideas and actions.
The right of citizens is closely connected with the motto of all Freemasons: Freedom – Equality – Brotherhood. The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia promotes morality, civilization, responsibility and mutual tolerance, absolute freedom of conscience and social solidarity, reminding everyone that these are the basic civic duties that make up the key elements of the concept of “living together”.
The environment is the common good of all Humanity. The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia aims, with its ideas and actions, to actively contribute to the protection of the environment, in order to leave it as such to the generations to come.
Human dignity
The Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia believes that the state should provide every citizen with basic rights to eat, to have a home, to be educated and to have access to medical care. According to the opinion of the Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia, the first social law is respect for Man, who should provide everyone with basic means of subsistence.

Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia - All rights reserved 2023
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